:: Violence in Ancient Societies ::

Violence in Ancient Societies is a generative data visualization showing the different levels of violence in different societies in prehistoric times (and some recent incidents). When the world used to be disconnected from each other, the levels of violence in each society varies widely depending on the characteristics and the culture. While no one was murdered in one society (14000 BCE in Gobero near Niger), almost half of the population were killed in another (12000 BCE Nubia near Egypt). What made such difference?
These numbers are the combination of 'Share of violent deaths for archeological sites' and some of 'Share of violent deaths for non-state societies' from 'Ethnographic and archaeological evidence on violent deaths' by Max Roser. If you have matching data that can be added to this data, please contact me.

:: Legend ::

The size of each blood drop indicates the corresponding murder rate/share of violent deaths.

The horizontal bar on the top of the screen shows where each data point is in the timeline, and the year the red handle is on is displayed underneath the timeline bar on the left. You can play the timeline from a certain point by clicking on this timeline bar. You can pause the timeline by clicking the pause button.

The map on the right top of the screen shows the location of the data associated with the blood drop.

:: Data Sources ::

Ethnographic and archaeological evidence on violent deaths, by Max Roser, Our World in Data.

:: Credits ::

Research, Art and Code by Siori Kitajima

Made with amazing tools: P5.js

Thank you Joey, Corrabelle and Orlando.

Powered by PatternBased
Released under MIT License
Copyright © 2022-2025 Siori Kitajima and PatternBased

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